Supplier Code of Conduct

This Supplier Code of Conduct (Supplier Code) applies to PMY Group Pty Ltd and its subsidiaries (“PMY”, “we”, “us” or “our”). The purpose of this Supplier Code is to:

·        Ensure that each of our suppliers (i.e. any entity who does business with any company or division of PMY including any vendor or business partner) (a Supplier) adheres to the same ethical standards as PMY; and

·        Prescribe a set of minimum standards for doing business with any Suppliers.

This Supplier Code is applicable to all Suppliers who are expected to cascade these requirements to their own supply chain.  We ask all our Suppliers to not just comply with this Supplier Code, but to use reasonable endeavours to exceed it and promote continual improvement throughout their business operations.

PMY will assess its Supplier’s adherence with this Supplier Code whether or not this Supplier Code is incorporated into commercial contracts or not.  This Supplier Code also applies to conduct related to all personnel engaged by the Supplier, irrespective of them being a casual, fixed, short-term employee or contracted worker or where they are located globally.

Law and ethical standards

The Supplier must comply with all laws applicable to its business.  All Supplier’s should support the principles of the United National Global Compact, the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1998 International Labour Organisation Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.  This applies to all aspects of human rights and fair labour practices.

Modern Slavery

Every PMY Supplier must abide by PMY’s Modern Slavery Policy.  PMY is committed to a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of modern slavery practices in its supply chain.

Work Health and Safety

PMY is committed to the health and safety of its workers, customers, contractors, visitors and suppliers.

PMY expects its Suppliers to:

·        Comply with health and safety laws, regulations, standards and appropriate codes of practice in the relevant Country where the services are being provided;

·        Take reasonable steps to prevent accidents and injury in the working environment;

·        Provide a safe and hygienic working environment;

·        Provide all necessary supervision, training, instruction, equipment, resourcing and information to all workers;

·        Where applicable, provide personal protective equipment for use by workers;

·        Ensure safeguards on machinery meet or exceed local laws; and

·        Assign a senior management representative to be responsible for health and safety.

Data protection and disclosure information

Our Suppliers must adhere to relevant data protection and security laws and to the regulations in their respective countries, in particular with regard to personal data of customers, consumers, employees and shareholders.  Suppliers must comply with all said requirements when personal data is collected, processed, transmitted, used or retained.

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Our Supplier’s must comply with all national and international anti-bribery regulations as well as applicable anti-corruption laws, regulations and standards, as well as PMY’s Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy.  Suppliers must not (either directly or indirectly) offer or promise to provide anything of value to improperly influence an official or act to secure an improper advantage in order to obtain or retain business.

Suppliers must comply with applicable laws and regulations which are designed to combat money laundering activities.  Suppliers must maintain financial records and reports according to international laws and regulations.


Suppliers must comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations and standards as well as implement an effective system to identify and eliminate potential hazards to the environment.  PMY expects its Suppliers to strive to support national climate protection goals and initiatives through the products and services they deliver.

Business Continuity Planning

Suppliers must be prepared for any disruptions to their business (e.g. natural disasters, terrorism, software viruses, illness, pandemics, infectious diseases, worker shortages etc.).  This preparedness especially includes business continuity and disaster recovery plans to protect both employees as well as the environment as far as possible from the effects of possible disasters that arise within the domain of properties.


PMY reserves the right, upon reasonable notice, to check its Suppliers’ compliance with the requirements of this Supplier Code.  We encourage our Suppliers to implement their own binding guidelines for ethical behaviour.

Any material breach of the obligations stipulated in this Supplier Code is considered a material breach by the Supplier.


This Code will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size. To ensure this, the code and the way in which it has been implemented will be reviewed annually.

Last updated: February 2024